
Scenes from Summer

To reflect a bit as we now enter our dark days here in the Northwest, I have included some images from the garden this year. It was work, but well worth it especially during August when we were able to enjoy the fruits of our labor. The big successes have to be the cauliflower and broccoli which we had in abundance. We also really enjoyed the yellow squash once it came up later in August. I would say that buying the starts mid to late April for some of these veggies and then moving them outside May-June was a good plan. They probably could go out earlier, but this year it was quite cold during the spring.

Apple and pear trees seem to do well despite the cold spring due mostly to a well timed warm spell during the flowering of the trees and some nice pruning over the winter. We are really enjoying the apples right now.

Enjoy the pictures.


Hello again from the lame (I haven't blogged in a very long time) Chicken Run blogster. I could give a good excuse like, "hey its been harvest time and I have been busy!"

But that would be a lie, not really enough produce to keep us that busy, but back again and for good reason. Today our girls- one of our girls- did a good deed. We had our first egg after about six months or 24 weeks we are officially chicken farmers or as the sign entering our driveway read we have offically entered the "Chicken Zone".

The really exciting thing for me is that breakfast tomorrow will take on new meaning when we crack this perfect little blue wonder that emerged just yesterday from the rear of one of our hard working girls. And to think, I feed these birds compost from our kitchen like stale bread, veggie scraps, half eaten lunch sandwiches (no chicken salad) and they give us back perfect little blue protein bundles. This is cool. - George