I first noticed this phenomenon about a week ago when we had only had the chicks for a couple of days. When I approached their tub, I wanted them to be calm and, of course, they were not. Anyone out there who has had baby chicks knows that it is rare to see them just kind of chilling out. They are usually pecking at the ground, or trying out their wings, or running around or pecking each other! (Establishing pecking order, I guess.)
I don't know why I clucked at them...maybe because I do it with my dog, Sunny, when I am calming him or giving him pats...maybe because I grew up near farmland and had a best friend with horses, that she used to calm by clucking at them. Whatever the reason, it definitely just happened naturally.
When I did it at the chicks, they immediately stopped pecking and cocked their heads at me. ALL OF THEM!!! "Weird," I thought. I wonder what would happen if I kept clucking. So, I kept clucking about 30 seconds. By the time 30 seconds was up, they all had their heads in the cedar chips and were snoozing!!
If you have chicks, you may already know this. This is our first time. We are definitely novice chick parents and every day is a new adventure in parenting. SO, it was a surprise and, who knows, it may come in handy when we are trying to collect their eggs when they get a bit bigger.