
Which came first... the chicken, or the coop?

Well, it's me, Rahne. Before I begin, let me explain that there are five members of our family not including the chicks. Kelly is my brother (see "Chicken Fun"), and George and Leigh are my parents (see "Why Chickens?"). They have been posting as well, and will continue to post. We also have a dog, named Sunny, who you can see in the background of the picture under the post, "Why Chickens?" He is eating  grass. (ORGANIC grass.)

Today, my dad, George, spent his time with some work friends making a "Chicken A-frame," as he so humorously put it. The chicken a-frame is designed in such a way so that it can be picked up and moved around. This way, the chickens and the ground works together so that the chickens still are technically producing "free range eggs," and the ground is fertilized from the chicken's waste and their turning up the soil.  

Unfortunately, although the chicken coop is turning out quite nicely, the chickens cannot enjoy the pleasure of living inside the new chicken coop because of the weather and their age. Even though it is "Spring" (note the quotation marks) we are still experiencing winter- like weather. But don't blame it all on global warming... here in the Northwest, the weather is already irratic... global warming just helps it and gives it a nudge along the way. We've been getting hail and snow, even in April!!! 


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