When I was young my Pop had a tradition of bringing me to McDonald's for a treat when I would visit him in Chicago. This created a very clear associated memory for me with respect to this restaurant and spending time with my grandpa. This tradition probably nestled many warm fuzzy memories of eating hamburgers with my Pop in the recesses of my brain.
Over the last few years of my son's life I have perpetuated this association through to the next generation by taking an occasional trip with him to the golden arches. Although these trips have become increasingly rare over the years.
Lucky for my daughter she is older and has already classified McDonald's into the "gross" part of her brain escaping the brainwashing bestowed upon my son.
Now new reason to distance myself and my family from all forms of fast food- like we needed a new reason. The past reasons included: very high calorie, very high fat (and scary fats at that), very wasteful packaging, evil corporation!, globalization, etc. Now we have added to the list new data from a recent research report which clearly links the hamburger and chicken protein to the diet and environment the animal experienced during their life.
Sorry Pop!
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