
Spinach versus Earwig

This is Leigh (Chick Whisperer) again with the latest interesting tidbits on feeding our chicks.
As George has told you, they are getting bigger, noisier and smellier. They're still really cute, though, even if we now have to clean their tub, water dish, and food dish daily. 

George threw spinach in the tub a couple of days ago and, at first, they didn't know what to do about it. They starred at it...with their heads cocked. Pretty soon they figured it out, though, and now they start fighting over who gets to peck at the spinach.   

George and I have been talking over what to feed them a lot lately ( I guess we don't have much of a life!), and been really curious about when we can start feeding them different food (like maybe bugs...or grittier food). Since we don't know exactly how old they are, we have been playing it by ear. The other day I spotted an earwig crawling across our floor and I decided to throw it in the tub, thinking they would be even more thrilled with the earwig, versus the spinach leaf that had been almost obliterated that was sitting limply in the wood chips. 

I was wrong! They definitely came over to have a look at this fast-moving little pinching bug (I hate earwigs!!) but soon lost interest and went back to furiously pecking at the spinach!!

It was pretty funny to watch, needless to say. They definitely provide us with lots of entertainment. 

-Leigh (a.k.a Chick Whisperer)


Anonymous said...

You are most definitely the embodiment of the spirit that creates the whisperers in our world. Thank you.

Also, your family project seems like just a whole lot of thoughtful fun. Can't wait to see it in action, and take home a lot of eggs :)

:) tfw

Rahne said...

Hey TFW-

Thanks for that!! I can't wait until we can give some friends some of these beautiful eggs. Supposedly these eggs are a beautiful greenish blue and they will lay for us some time in August.

Plan for a trip out here to the Olympic Peninsula in August...We will have an Egg and Veggie Party!!

Last night we honored Tam and her partner with a meal made from mostly local ingredients. We introduced Tam to the chick named after her.

It was so much fun...and really rewarding to be able to work together with these two awesome women and then honor them with this meal made by George. (I was prep cook and entertainment!)

It made me realize how much more we must do this...and celebrate our community of friends (including you).

Thank YOU for introducing us to the Michael Pollan book.

You're an inspiration...Let's SAVE THE WORLD!
